About The Committee
The Town of Pelham Democratic Committee consists of 20 members: two from each of Pelham's ten election districts (EDs). The representatives of EDs 1-5 comprise the Village of Pelham Democratic Committee; the representatives of EDs 6-10 comprise the Village of Pelham Manor Democratic Committee. Members are known as District Leaders.
District Leader (DL) responsibilities include recruiting and vetting candidates for office, supporting local candidates, outreach to and education of local voters, endorsements, and fundraising.
The Committee meets at 8:00pm the third Monday of each month.
Meetings are open to Pelham Democrats.
Officers are elected by Committee members at the Organizational Meeting every two years.
Village of Pelham
Marilyn Zielinski
Greg Spock
Town of Pelham
Allison Frost
Vice Chairs
Julia Fuller-Nakayama
Jamie Moskowitz
Erin Moskowitz
Suzanne Snyder
Officers need not be members of the Committee but each officer must be an enrolled voter of the Democratic Party.
Village of Pelham Manor
Kara McLoughlin
Tracey Gardner
District Leaders
District Leaders are unpaid volunteer elected officials, chosen in the primary election of even-numbered years to serve two-year terms. Any Pelham Democrat may run for the Committee by petitioning to appear on the ballot. Learn More.
Town of Pelham Democratic Committee
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