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Voter Resources

Register to Vote

Use this form to register for the first time, or make changes to your registration, including updating your name, address, or party affiliation


Spanish-language form here

Check your Registration

Early/Absentee Voting

In-person early voting is typically available at multiple locations throughout Westchester County beginning ten days before an election and continuing until two days before an election. Locations and times vary. 


Early voting locations and times posted when published before elections.


Request an absentee ballot / learn more here


Voting Locations

In Pelham, polls are typically open from 6am-9pm on Election Day.


Find your voting location here.

Voting Problems

If you need help or have an issue voting on Election Day, email one of the local Democratic Committee Chairs, or call the Westchester County Board of Elections, 914-995-5700. 

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